
Welcome to my blog about knives. My biggest passion in life. Handmade custom knives. My favorite materials are damascus steel, and natural handle materials (stag, mammoth ivory & wood).
Enjoy! Click on the pictures to see them bigger!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Alfred Dobner "Fullturn" folder

Alfred lives in Sweden. He makes beautiful, special folders, and very nice fixed blades.

This one he calls the "Fullturn" folder. It is based on a very old design. Fit, finish & craftmanship are outstanding!

Box Elder handle slabs, damasteel blade, titanium liners.

Gudy Van Poppel - another "series" folder

This is the sixt "series" folder in my collection. Stag handle.

Gudy Van Poppel - Scagel inspired integral axe

Gudy made this beautiful axe as a kind of prototype for in his "tactical" line.

Check out the details! (click on the pics to see 'em bigger!)

T.A. Davison Part 3

Two more of these beauties arrived.

Group shot: